If I visit a product's website and see their choice of fonts are either: Poppins, Open Sans, Montserrat, or anything that's free and used widely (with some exceptions), I get the sense that the attention to detail in that product will be lacking.
These are not bad fonts, but I've rarely seen them used good. Bad typography is an indicator for lack of attitude towards design.
Your website is the place your prospects will start to learn more about you. It's the first point of contact. Show them that you care, and you'll convert more.
Good typography lays out the foundation and you need to fill the rest with great copywriting and narrative. Try to convey what your product does, who it's good for and how it does it with short, concise sentences. Strengthen your claims with visuals and you have a good website.
Don't forget the parts that will help convince undecided users. These are current customer companies, testimonials, reviews (if you have multiple). And put multiple CTA sections that has only one main button that leads users to try your product or book a demo, whatever you want convinced users to do next.
Example: Linear's Website
Linear's new website is liked by many, so let's use that as an example. Keep in mind that Linear is aiming for teams that make software, which they explicitly tell in their website (who it's good for)

They have a strong headline and explain what they are aiming to do. A single CTA and a full screenshot of their product's screen above the fold. Displaying product user interface (UI) is a sign of confidence.
Then we get the trust section: who's using Linear already. Using this early boosts good impressions about the product. Social influence increases sales. That's why expensive watch companies are using famous actors in their ads. Buy the watch DiCaprio uses or whatever.

Next section is what Linear does differently - how they compare with the competition. All software teams –unless they are complete amateurs– use some form of issue tracking and project management software. Visitors of this website already know what's lacking about theirs. Displaying these right after the hero section seems legit in this case.

Last section before final CTA, they introduce their most prominent features one by one, starting with the most used: issue creation.

Software that will be a part of your development process is as strong as it's integrations. Last section of the short feature tour mentions integrations, and they have another landing page listing all of them.

Main page ends with a final CTA section that leads the prospect to start using Linear. Users who read the website fully and decide to give the product a chance are looking for a way to do it. Don't make them scroll all the way up. Either keep your navigation with a CTA button visible at all times, or add a CTA section at the end. Linear does both.
A second button in the CTA section downloads the app. It's the second action they want their users to do. It's also for current Linear users that want to download the app on their fresh machine.

To summarize, this is Linear's narrative: what the product does, big companies are already using them, how they're different from the similar software you're already using. Clearly demonstrate how you do product management and issue creation easily, and how it'll fit into your current process right away.
Narrative is clear and — in unique style. Since its release, a lot of products are copying Linear's visual style. I would recommend you to find your own style instead.
Set your narrative, tell your story in a simple way, and care about every design detail.